There are all sorts of reasons to either start learning English or to brush up on what you already know. Especially if you are based in London, a fluency in the English language can help you to overcome various professional and personal barriers. General English courses can help you get that dream job, meet the guy or girl of your dreams and help you grow in confidence.
A great way to improve your English skills is to take a general English course, but what do we mean by “general” English.
English changes depending on context. For example, in business or other professional situations English might be formalized and technical. In a social situation, English might be rich with slang words, i.e. colloquialisms, and have a vibrant informality.
General English lessons can help you to get to grips with English as a whole. It doesn’t focus on one flavor of English, but gives you the knowledge of English to help you get by, generally speaking, in whatever situation you’re in, whether that’s a social or professional situation.
There are various aspects to English language learning, such as grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening and writing. General English lessons are designed to give you insight into each of these aspects of English, ideal if you struggle in one area and want to complete your skill-set.
London is the perfect place to learn English, it’s a place where you’ll be surrounded by lots of native English speakers and many people learning English just like you.